Preset Commands for-Auto tracking series camera

Preset Commands for P-Auto tracking series camera

1. point scan

Set point A, turn the pan/tilt to the corresponding position, and set preset position 9.

Set point B, turn the pan/tilt to the corresponding position, and set the preset position 10.

Automatic scanning, call the 38 preset position, the pan/tilt rotates between the set A and B points.

If the preset position of point A or point B is not set normally or at the same position, the pan/tilt will automatically scan at 355 degrees.

Stop: Press any key to stop. control(1-8 preset point)

Call  41 preset command to start.Set 41 preset command to stop.

3.Watch position (HOME)

The ball machine supports the watch position function. When the watch position function is turned on, the ball automatically switches to the watch position when the control is not used at the specified time.

Watch the position setting, turn the dome to the position you want to set to set the preset position 58, and the watch position setting is successful.

Set 56 command ,the watch position setting function is turned on.(default)

Call 56 command, the watch position setting function is turned off.

4.infrared light control

Call the preset position of 93, and the infrared light is in the open mode. At this time, the infrared light is turned on, and the image is turned into black and white mode;

Call the preset position of 94, the infrared light is in the off mode, at this time the infrared light is turned off, and the image is switched to the color mode;

Call the preset position of 95 , the infrared light is in the automatic mode, the infrared light is automatically turned off during the day, the infrared light is automatically turned on at night, the corresponding image is in color when the infrared light is off, and the black light is in black and white when the infrared light is on.

5.Factory reset: Set  40 command

6.PT Reset:               Call 34 command

7. Camera rotation speed

       Low speed:        Set  61 command

       Medium speed: Set  63 command

       High speed:       Set  64 command

8. Horizontal scan 

   Call preset position 39